Documentaries to learn German

Why not improve your German skills with some informative German documentaries? Not sure what to watch? We have some ideas.

Hey 👋

In this post, we'd like to talk a little about German comedy & German-speaking (stand-up) comedians.

I find recommending comedy a little bit difficult, as humour is so very subjective.

Vom Teller ins Gehirn

Was genau sind Gedanken?

Der Traum vom optimierten Ich

Heilende Kälte


Bullshit Jobs


Explore Our Podcast

Explore our intermediate podcast about contemporary German culture, history, philosophy & more. Each episode is spoken at a slow pace, and includes a transcript.


Sloeful German is a language learning platform focused on immersive learning. We assist you in achieving fluency, through engaging content tailored to your level.


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